
Students write popular articles about L&C research
[December 2024] Students of the programme Communication and Information Sciences at Utrecht University all take a course on writing in their second ...

Taboo languages
[November 4, 2024] Our colleague dr. Stef Spronck was interviewed by Nemo Kennislink about his knowledge on ‘taboo languages’ in ...

‘Ghosting’ has become more normal in online dating
[October 8, 2024] A new study by Tess van der Zanden and her co-author Janneke Schokkenbroek was featured in the DUB, the independent news site of Utrecht ...

Chatbots in customer service: Good idea or bad?
[September 27, 2024] Charlotte van Hooijdonk and Christine Liebrecht wrote an opinion piece for Dutch newspaper AD about their research on customer service ...

Seed-fund project on the impact of interactive eco-documentaries
[2 July 2024] This seed-fund project led by Karin Fikkers delves into the persuasive powers of Sam van Zoest’s award-winning interactive eco-documentary, ...

Bregje Holleman on Voting Advice Applications
[6 June 2024] With the elections for the European Parliament on June 6th, a large part of the electorate does not feel very knowledgeable and is ...

Opdat wij schrijven
[15 mei 2024] De schrijfcrisis in het Nederlandse onderwijs kreeg minder aandacht dan de leescrisis. Maar ook de resultaten van het Nederlandse ...

Florian Kunneman in Meldpunt on the status of service agent chatbots
[10 May 2024] On May 10th Florian Kunneman was interviewed in the television programme Meldpunt on the status of service agent chatbots. Meldpunt has ...

Antal van den Bosch at the Heerlijk Duidelijkheid on AI and readability tools
[21 March 2024] Professor Language, Communication and Computation Antal van den Bosch is invited as a speaker on the Heerlijk Duidelijkdag on Thursday 21 ...

What role can communication play in solving big societal issues?
[15 March 2024] Communication is seen by many not only as the root of all evil, but also as the solution to all problems. Because if only there had been ...

Utrecht BabyLab explores the connection between rhythm and language
[6 March 2024] What if you’re listening to speech for the first time in your life? You hear a series of sounds. But what do these sounds stand for? ...

Haidee Kotze held her inaugural lecture: Changing Tongues
[13 February 2024] Since 1 November 2019, professor Haidee Kotze is Professor of Translation Studies at Utrecht University’s Faculty of Humanities. On ...

Suzanne Bogaerds-Hazenberg wins AVT/Anéla Dissertation Award
[13 February 2024] Suzanne Bogaerds-Hazenberg, former PhD student of our research group, has received the AVT/Anéla Dissertation Award. She wins the award ...

“Engaging in conversation with library visitors taught me how to look at our field differently again.”
[5 December 2023] Does this feel familiar, working a lot behind your laptop or in the lab and sometimes losing sight of the outside world for a while? ...

De voordelen (en tekortkomingen) van Stemwijzer en Kieskompas
[20 november 2023] Verkiezingsprogramma’s zijn nauwelijks voorlichting voor kiezers. Ze zijn moeilijk geschreven en erg dik, en worden dan ook vooral ...

Researchers launch online escape room to get you thinking about Open Science
[25 October 2023] Open Science is an increasingly important part of conducting research. To increase the familiarity of the concept, the team of the Open ...

Speech from the throne not simpler, but more complex than in previous years
[20 September 2023] This year’s speech from the throne was complexly worded once again, analysis by linguists Leo Lentz and Henk Pander Maat shows. It ...

Volwassen worden anno 2023: “Jongeren hebben ook ideeën over hoe het beter kan”
[6 september 2023] Sociale druk, prestatiedruk, globalisering, digitalisering, klimaatverandering. In hun tocht naar volwassenheid krijgen jongeren nogal ...

De chatbot, is dat nu echt dé oplossing voor klantenservices?
[11 augustus 2023] De klantenservice van veel bedrijven is ondermaats, zag Kassa in haar Klantenservice Enquête. Het consumentenprogramma sprak Charlotte ...

Christopher Jenks appointed Professor of Language and Intercultural Communication
[12 December 2022] As of August 1 2022, Prof. dr. Christopher Jenks has been appointed Professor of Language and Intercultural Communication at the Faculty ...